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5 best house plants for beginners

Hands in the dirt, 

head in the sun,
heart with nature. 
To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul.

I have met many a friend who loves green and takes solace in nature's lap ... but has not dappled into gardening for fear of killing a plant. It is to those friends that I recommend 5 tough nut plants that can survive well enough to pull you into full-time gardening!

01 Succulents & Cactii

Succulents are largely outdoor houseplants that store their own water in fleshy leaves. These plants are very hardy and survive despite great hardship.
You can neglect them, not water them and still find them smiling when you get back home. 
Succulents do not like over watering and love brightly lit places. 

02 Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana)
A perfect office-goer, these plants too survive the worst of abuse. They grow in water only. All you have to do is place them where they get decent light and fill in the water every week.
They are also very slow growers. They make wonderful gifts that bring in a lot of positive energy into your workplace.

Now, nothing can get easier, can it?

A fantastic hanging plant, the Neon plant is a very famous Indian house plant. It is a very aggressive grower and make ideal dividers too! His leaves are clear and you can stare at him at length!

Place him in filtered sunlight and he is a survivor.

The snake plant is a wonderful indoor plant. All he needs to thrive is a place near bright windows and occasional water.
These are very very tough plants and are known to be very good air purifiers as well!

Terrariums are magical glass containers which hold some magical plants that never die!
All they need is good light. They will survive with no water at all in case of closed rain forest terrariums.

Place terrariums near a natural window or under white flourescent lights. They seem to have a hidden liking to LED lights as they never heat up the air around them.


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